Thursday, June 5, 2008

So Long to 5th Grade, Mr. Kitchell, and Bellview

Last night Monte had his 5th grade graduation, and it seems ironic that I was in the first 5th grade class to graduate from Bellview (before that it was a K-6 school), and now Monte is in the last to graduate from the old school. Yes the old Bellview is getting torn down to make way for a brand new Bellview opening in Sep 2009. The poor students left are being displaced for a year. But it was very sentimental looking around the school last night, it is going to be missed. Then the night of sentiments continued as the kids said their final good buys to their teacher Mr. Kitchell. It was hard enough watching a film of the football team brought to their knees 5 days after his death at the state semi finals weeping as teams around the state paid tribute to their coach, who was missing his first game in 25 years. They should have waited until after the game, the boys could never pull themselves together. But last night the 5th grade read a poem they had written about him. It was wonderful. So off with the old, and on with the new. Look out AMS here comes Monte!


The George's said...

Monte, you are looking good. Watch out girls at AMS.

The Lanyons said...

I didn't know that about Bellview! That's kinda sad, but I suppose they need it. What's the new building supposed to look like?

Tiana Johnson said...

I can't believe your kids are out of elementary school! I'm kind of sad about Bellview, I had no idea (so much for my brothers telling me the news of Ashland!). I guess it's time for an update though since all of Ashland has had a facelift.